For any event, you are welcome to contact: We look forward to helping you sort out any problems and encourage you to contact us. To get in touch with the Information Regulator, you can call 0 or send an email to us help you resolve your complaint The Information Regulator protects and promotes the protection of personal information processed by public and private bodies. To get in touch with the Consumer Goods and Services Ombud, you can call 0 or 0860 000 272 (shared call) or send an email to Learn more by going to You can contact the Information Regulator
#Discovery pro pbm contact number code
The Consumer Goods and Services Ombud enforces the Code of Conduct that applies to the consumer goods and services industry by dealing with consumer goods complaints that they receive from consumers free of charge.

To get in touch with the Credit Ombud, you can call 0861 662 837 or send an email to Learn more by going to You can contact the Consumer Goods and Services Ombud The Credit Ombud resolves complaints from people or businesses that have been negatively impacted by credit bureau information or from consumers who have disputes with credit providers. To get in touch with the National Credit Regulator, you can call 0 or 0860 627 627, or go to You can contact the Credit Ombud The National Credit Regulator resolves complaints about credit-related matters. To get in touch with the FAIS Ombudsman, you can call 0 or 0, or go to You can contact the National Credit Regulator The FAIS Ombudsman is an independent and impartial dispute resolution tribunal that investigates complaints by clients about financial services that financial services providers, like Discovery Bank, offer. To get in touch with the Ombudsman for Banking Services, you can call 0 or 0860 800 900, or go to You can contact the FAIS Ombudsman The Ombudsman for Banking Services has the final say on complaints in the banking industry. If you aren't happy with the outcome of a complaint after it has been through our internal review process, you can forward the complaint to the Ombudsman for Banking Services. You can contact the Ombudsman for Banking Services If you have a complaint, you can call us on 0800 07 96 97 or send an email to What happens if you aren't happy with the outcome of a complaint?
#Discovery pro pbm contact number update