Fathers don’t have it quite as bad, but spending time with their children takes time away from their duties, and with that, Time away from being the only doctor in the Clan. A medicine cat can take on apprentices, but that doesn’t do much if more than one of them is pregnant, or someone is reckless. And since she’s the only one, the Clan can’t risk that. As a result, the female medicine cat wouldn’t be able to provide any of her services or could only provide minimum amounts of services for that period. This doesn’t change no matter how many people are there to help. Pregnancy and nursing can have a period where the person cannot do much for some time. The problem is, unlike human doctors and other medical personnel, there’s only one medicine cat in the entire Clan most of the time ( two or three if they are lucky). I made a topic about something similar to this where the main problem is not the rule. It's certainly interesting to think about at least. Either the rule wouldn't have been in place at all, or it at least would've been worded better than just not allowing medicine cats to not have kits at all. It's also important to remember that she had ADD and already had trouble concentrating anyway, so this does make me wonder what would've happened if, say, Dappled Pelt had been the one to have had kits instead.

Ironically, more cats ended up suffering because of this rule, and who knows how many more medicine cats have broken it besides Yellowfang and Leafpool. The entire reason she made the rule was because she didn't want other medicine cats to suffer like she had and she had good intentions, but as the saying goes, that's exactly what the road to Hell is paved with. And as we know, decisions based on one's personal feelings don't always work out well (though StarClan agreeing with her then and there is another story and was just really stupid). She was also only still a child by the end of it, so I'm not at all surprised she didn't think it through more and was making it more so based on her own emotions. And it's not like she could've foreseen what would've happened to Yellowfang and Leafpool and likely expected for future medicine cats to be more like Acorn Fur: wanting a family, but choosing duty over their own desires. This would be the last straw for her, as it's the event that leads her to realizing that she can't be both a medicine cat and mother.

She even has Slate watch her kits at one point, and Spider Paw nearly drowns afterwards because they were looking for her. For some reason, we have this like, law where you can’t have kids if you’re a doctor.”Įxcept Moth Flight did have help. This is by no means the BEST way to raise a child, but it’s way better than “Yeah, my mom had me then had to leave me with some random person. Or some will hire babysitters, which is absolutely okay too. If not a partner, they will usually have family members to help babysit their child or sometimes the child will be old enough to be fine when home alone. Even though being a doctor, for example, can be a VERY busy job they still get time to hang out with their family and if they are unable to take care of their children, their partner can (if they have one). We see this behavior in humans, specifically, those in the medical field. And if the issue was the medicine cats caring for their kits over duty, first of all, the case in Warriors has (more often than not) been treated as ‘blood is thicker than water’, second of all, their mates could just take care of the kits most of the time and then when the medicine cat is not busy they could hang around and help care for their kits.
For example, medicine cats will learn how to deal with pregnancy in their lifetime and theoretically would be able to go through it themselves (and they ARE able to go through it themselves, as seen in the books). Yeah, it’s pretty stupid, but good for drama I guess.