The shepherd david
The shepherd david

And so it happened with each one in turn. He therefore wanted to anoint the second, but the oil vanished from theĪnointing horn, so the prophet Samuel understood that this son, too, was not toīe the future king. But G‑d said to him: "This is not the one!" Samuel wished to anoint the eldest son, who was handsome and clever and had a noble character. Jesse had his sons brought before the prophet one at a time. The prophet Samuel came to Bethlehem and informed Jesse of G‑d's command. The Hebrew kingdom will remain with him and his children and children's children forever, for he is truly fitted for it." But G‑d said to Samuel: "Put an end to your tears! Go to Bethlehem and there anoint one of Jesse's sons as the future king. The prophet Samuel was greatly distressed that King Saul had disappointed his hopes in the war against Amalek and had as a result shown himself unworthy of his crown. G‑d, therefore, said: "One who can so faithfully tend his animals, each according to its needs, I can safely entrust with the care of My holy lambs, My people." And whenever a lion or bear attacked his flocks and herds and wished to seize a sheep or a cow, David would rush at the savage beast and chase it away and rescue its prey. Indeed he feared nothing and no one, except G‑d alone.

the shepherd david

He had great physical courage and was not afraid of any wild animal. Last of all he used to bring to the field the grown sheep and cattle, whose strong teeth could chew the lowest part of the grass nearest to the roots. When the young lambs had nibbled the delicate tips, he next took there the oldest sheep and cows, whose teeth were old and weak, that they might eat the middle part of the stalks which were soft enough for them. Whenever he brought out his flocks to pasture, he led the young lambs to graze among the fresh, tender young grasses, for they had not yet any teeth. He also felt a deep love for his lambs and for every living creature.

the shepherd david

In his heart burned an ardent love for G‑d and of His people, which he expressed in the Psalms he David was a very modest youth, and he looked after his father's flocks. He had eight clever, talented sons, the youngest of whom was David. In Bethlehem in Judea there once lived a noble and respected Jew, whose name was Jesse. He was also a renowned poet, and many of the Psalms are attributed to him.King David passed away on the festival of Shavuot, in the year 2924 (837 BCE). He was regarded as possibly the greatest of the kings of Israel. The name David means “beloved” and King David was certainly beloved by his people and by God. David did make mistakes, but always turned to God and trusted him. He showed not only political awareness and strong leadership skills, but also mercy towards his enemies. Though he started life as a humble shepherd boy, David would go on to become the second king of Israel, and the founder of Jerusalem. Beginning with Solomon, all future kings of Israel would be descendants of David, but when God promised David that a descendant of his would rule on the throne forever, he was speaking of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Yet when David showed true contrition, God forgave him. In his relationship with Bathsheba, the wife of one of his officers, David transgressed deeply, and was duly punished by God. He rejected her criticism, saying that he was happy to embarrass himself it if was pleasing to God. David wept when he heard of their deaths.ĭavid’s love for God knew no bounds-when he brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, he danced and sang praises to the Lord, drawing censure from his wife, Michal. It was clear that despite Saul’s ill treatment of him, David still felt love for the king, and especially for his son, Jonathan, who had been like a brother to him. On more than one occasion, Saul tried to kill David, but in spite of the king’s bitterness and animosity, when David himself had the opportunity to harm Saul, he chose not to, showing remarkable forgiveness and mercy. Saul was initially appreciative of David, but grew suspicious and jealous when David’s popularity began to outstrip his own. When none of the Israelite soldiers were brave enough to face the giant warrior, David took up his sling and five smooth stones and faced Goliath without fear, knowing that God would be by his side.

the shepherd david

But God told Samuel not to judge by appearances.ĭavid showed his courage and determination when he took on the mighty Philistine champion Goliath in one to one combat. With seven healthy brothers all older than him, he seemed an unlikely choice when Samuel the prophet turned up to anoint the future king of Israel. David was a shepherd boy, and the youngest son of Jesse of Bethlehem.

The shepherd david